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Bądź na tyle blisko swoich klientów, aby powiedzieć im czego chcą, zanim sami się na to zdecydują.

– Steve Jobs

Lista referencji

Client branch
1.Weleda AG, Germany Selection of distributor in pharmaceutical channel. MatchmakingCosmeticsPolandlink
2.VIAJES PACIFICO S.A.C., Peru MatchmakingTourismPolandlink
3.Schneider Group, Russia, Germany Market analysis, choosing best legal form of company in Poland. Recruiting stuff and opening branch office in Poland.FinancialPolandlink
4.IQS Group – International Quick Service Group, Poland Implementation of the activities of the Passport to Export program leading to the introduction of the company on the Serbian marketOutsourcing ServicesSerbialink
5.Przedsiębiorstwo Rolno-Przemysłowo-Handlowe KANDY, Poland Customer acquisition on CEE markets.FoodRussia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belaruslink
6.GVT Sp. z o.o., Poland Customer acquisition, arranging business meetingsITLithuania, Latvia, Croatialink
7.Bogmar Traper Sp. z o.o., Poland Implementation of the activities of the Passport to Export program leading to the introduction of the company on the international market.FoodUAE, Russia, Germany, Francelink
8.TOM Tomasz Byzdra, Poland Sales of products TOM company on Russian market.Interior designRussialink
9.CTH Jędrzejewski, Maj spółka jawna, Poland Business partner search on German and Lithuanian markets.ConstructionLithuania, Germanylink
10.Mysak Group, Poland Business partner search on German market.IndustrialGermanylink
11.Prec-Odlew Sp.z o.o., Poland Business partner search on German and Ukrainian markets.ChemicalUkraine, Germany, Russialink
12.Dobrowolski Sp. z o.o., Poland Implementation of the activities of the Passport to Export program leading to the introduction of the company on the international market.AutomotiveUkraine, Kazakhstanlink
13.A.B. Berren Handlowy Sp. z o.o., Poland Organization of trade mission and negotiation services.Goods for ChildrenUkrainelink
14.Grupa YLM, Taiwan, Poland Building dedicated database and business partner search.IndustrialCzech, Poland, Russialink
15.Granit Sp.zo.o., Poland Business partner search. Arranging business meetingsOffice SuppliesUnited Kingdom, Croatialink
16.Block Bau, Russia Negotiation services in process of buying processing line from Polish manufacturer.IndustrialPolandlink
17.XPLUS S.A., Poland Organization of trade mission and arranging business meetings.ITUnited Kingdomlink
18.Goldfruit Marek Pariaszewski, Poland Development of sales on foreign marketsFoodRussia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, France, Germany, Algerialink
19.CID-ROL, Poland Implementation of the activities of the Passport to Export program leading to the introduction of the company on the international market.ChemicalBelarus, Russia, Ukraine, Swedenlink
20.Firma Kosmetyczna Loton Spółdzielnia Pracy, Poland Implementation of the activities of the Passport to Export program leading to the introduction of the company on the international market.CosmeticsRussia, Ukrainelink
21.Mardom Sp.z o.o., Poland Marketing researchInterior designUkraine, Russia, Germanylink
22.Wytwórnia Zbiorników – Andrzej Powolny, Poland Implementation of the activities of the Passport to Export program leading to the introduction of the company on the international market.IndustrialGermany, Austria, Netherlandslink
23.Mine Master Sp.zo.o., Poland Dedicated databaseIndustrialPeru, Brazil, Republic of South Africa, Kazakhstanlink
24.Marbo S.C. (Ms Moda), Poland MatchmakingFashionRussialink

Efekty współpracy

projektów eksportówych


lat doświadczenia w handlu międzynarodowy

kodów HS produktów dostępnych do analizy

360 Export Management

  • multilingual lead generation
  • multilingual page + SEO
  • online/offline b2b matchmaking
  • warunki Incoterms i kody celne HS
  • szkolenia eksportowe
  • nowoczesne narzędzia IT
  • zabezpieczenie finansowe eksportu

Success Stories

B2B Lead Generation na rynku międzynarodowym

Social Selling

Generowanie leadów sprzedażowych w Linkedin dla branży meblarskiej

Multilingual Landing

Stworzenie strony internetowej targów w 6 językach []

Generowanie Leadów

Coroczna międzynarodowa kampania promocyjna [2016-2021]

Success story KABO

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